3 4-CTMP Pulver kaufen


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3 4-CTMP Pulver kaufen

3 4-CTMP Pulver kaufen For anybody interested in the Methylphenidate family of chemicals, 3,4-CTMP offers a legal means by which to conduct comparable research into these psychostimulants.

Studies have shown that 3,4-CTMP acts as both a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, with stimulant effects that are seven times more potent than methylphenidate. It also displays greater reinforcement properties than Cocaine.

Available in a pellet form or powder, we sell high quality 3,4-CTMP for research purposes only. It is not meant for human consumption.

Please note: Our powder has a green tint to it.



3grams, 5grams, 10 grams, 20 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams


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